CS4099 - Senior Honours Project

My SH project was done in Idris 1 and involved parts of the TeamPlay project. The Senior Honours Project is a project usually done at the end of a BSc degree. However, it used to also be possible to do it as part of an MSci degree, allowing students to have experience before doing the MSci project or to potentially finish a year early with a BSc instead. The project is done continuously over both semesters, along with other coursework.

The SH project ended up deviating a bit from the title and initial objectives due to turbulence caused by my initial supervisor (not the person on the report) being fired because of trying to cover up a very serious case of plagiarism they had committed.

The project achieved a final grade of 17.0/20.

Thomas Ekström Hansen
Thomas Ekström Hansen
PhD student in Computer Science

My interests include information visualisation, formal methods, and low-level programming.